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In This Challenge, You'll Learn How To...

Scale Your Business & Build Your Income To $50,000+ Per Month (& Beyond) By Implementing Ellie Diop's Bulletproof Income Strategies Over 5 Days!

  Dates: Sept 27th - Oct 1st

In This Challenge, You'll Learn How To...

Scale Your Business & Build Your Income To $50,000+ Per Month (& Beyond) By Implementing Ellie Diop's Bulletproof Income Strategies Over 5 Days!

  Dates: Sept 27th - Oct 1st

Here Is What You'll Learn: 
  • How To Get $50,000 In Funding For Your Business!
  • ​How To Receive Up To $50,000 In Grants For Your Business!
  • How To Create A Digital Product That Can Make $50,000 Per Year!
  • ​How To Scale Your Digital Product To Earn $50,000+ Per Month!

Join The Build Your Income Challenge For A Chance To Win:

  • You’ll be entered to win a free VIP Ticket Upgrade
  • Register within the 1st hour and you'll get entered to win $500 cash!
  • Take part in the daily homework and you'll get entered to win $750 cash!
  • ​Register as a VIP member and you'll be entered to win a free 15-minute mentorship call with Ellie!

5 Days Of Strategic Training

During this 5-day event, learn Ellie Diop's process she has building your business and scaling your income.

Day 1: Secrets To Creating Success

Day 2: Business Funding Blueprint

Day 3: Social Media Accelerator

Day 4: Free Money Matrix's

Day 5: Business Scaling 101

5 Days Of Strategic Training

Day 1: Secrets To Creating Success

Day 2: Business Funding Blueprint

Day 3: Social Media Accelerator

Day 4: Free Money Matrix's

Day 5: Business Scaling 101

Meet Your Mentor

Ellie Diop

Ellie Diop is a Business Coach, Strategy Expert, and Speaker. Her mission is to educate women on how entrepreneurship and financial literacy can be used to create generational wealth. 

After being laid off from her job, Ellie used her $1,200 stimulus check and years of experience in Sales, Marketing, and Leadership to start the Elievated Agency.

In less than a year, she scaled the business to multiple 7-figures.
Ellie’s business success story has been featured in various publications internationally including Business Insider, Black Enterprise, Univision, The Sun, La Noticia, and more.

Get Access To The Build Your Income Challenge Today!

  • Date: Mon - Fri September 27th - October 1st
  • Recordings Will Be Viewable Until 11:59pm EST On Sunday, October 3rd.

Here's What's Included:

  • 5 Days Of Build Your Income Training With Ellie Diop
  • Access To The Build Your Income FB Community
  • ​Chance To Win EPIC Prizes
  • ​VIP Pre-Session Via Zoom (Daily Q&A) Plus High Level Coaching With Ellie Diop
  • ​Bonus Kick-Off Call With Ellie Diop & Friends
7:00PM - 8:00PM EST

General Admission


Here's What's Included:

  • 5 Days Of Build Your Income Training With Ellie Diop
  • Access To The Build Your Income FB Community
  • ​Chance To Win EPIC Prizes
6:30PM - 8:00PM EST

VIP Experience


Here's What's Included:

  • 5 Days Of Build Your Income Training With Ellie Diop
  • Access To The Build Your Income FB Community
  • ​Chance To Win EPIC Prizes
  • ​VIP Pre-Session Via Zoom (Daily Q&A) Plus High Level Coaching With Ellie Diop
  • ​Bonus Kick-Off Call With Ellie Diop & Friends

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Is This Challenge For?
This is for anyone who wants to scale their business and build their income in 2021!
How Much Is This Challenge?
There are 2 ways to participate in The Build Your Income Challenge. The General Admission Experience is only $97 and the VIP Experience is only $297 for the exclusive Zoom sessions including Q&A and VIP Coaching with Ellie.
Is This A Live Event?
Yes, each daily session will be live in our exclusive Facebook group community.
What If I Can't Make It Every Day?
It's ok! The daily replays will be available to watch until the end of the challenge.

Are you ready to scale your business to $50,000+ per month?

Ellie Talks Money 2021 ©  |  All Rights Reserved